Sunday 15 May 2016

The Whoosh

Daily Weight: 162.9lb

Yesterday and today, I weighed in at 162.9lb. That's a significant drop from the rest of the week and I had a feeling I was going to have a "whoosh". Apparently, as we lose fat, our fat cells temporarily fill up with water in the event that the fat stores will be replenished. When they aren't, we get the whoosh effect, which means we drop the water and our fat loss shows on the scale.

I posted yesterday on Instagram just how easy it is to gain a lot of weight in a relatively short space of time, yet it takes twice as long to lose it again.

Back in March, I was scheduled to take a two week diet break to coincide with my birthday. My last diet break in July 2015 actually went pretty well and I only regained a few lbs, most of which were from water. However, this time it all went to shit and I went off the rails in a big way, eating several takeaways, drinking lots of wine and just over indulging in general.  As a result, I gained 12lbs. Yes. 12lbs in two weeks. I'm now three weeks back into dieting and have only shifted 7 of those 12lbs.

Though I didn't look that much bigger overall, I looked much softer and fluffier and wasn't as tight as I'd prefer. You can see from the picture below, the first of which was taken on 10th April and the second was taken yesterday...

And although I'm not back to my pre-diet break weight, I'm feeling so much better. Not that I think I look bad in the first photo, I just prefer to feel a little bit tighter. My clothes weren't fitting as well, things were digging into places where they didn't used to and I generally just felt a bit uncomfortable.

I'm starting to see my abs peeking again :-)

It's been a gym free weekend but we've been out and about in the beautiful sunshine, doing lots of walking. We met up for coffee with a friend in the marina this morning and got a little sun burned in the process! I never believed it would be hot enough to burn but lesson learned. Whenever I'm showing any skin, slap on the sun screen!

Dieting has been going well this weekend and today is my refeed, which comes at the perfect time as tomorrow is one of my two leg sessions this week.

Yesterday's food was as follows:

Coffee, tea and water til 2.30pm

Meal One
Mexican rice with sweet & smoky chicken, salad & tomato

2 cheddar sticks
1 sugar free jelly
100g strawberries
1 can Pepsi Max

2 clementines

Meal Two
2 skinny burgers with 10g ketchup and 20g burger mayo
100g silverskin onions
Mixed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, mini corn and green beans)
200g fat free Greek yoghurt and 125g 10% fat Greek yoghurt with 20g whey protein mixed in

Macros for the day:

Protein: 141g
Fat: 50g
Carbs: 141g
Total Cals: 1638

And today's food (refeed day)

Tea, coffee and water til 3pm

Meal One
Mexican rice with Mexican mini chicken fillets
55g gluten free bacon cheese twists
100g strawberries
1 can Pepsi Max

4 gluten free ginger & chocolate cookies
1 pack Mexican style chicken

Meal Two
100g oats cooked with 450ml semi skimmed milk and topped with sugar free syrup and 1 chopped Grenade caramel chaos protien bar

Macros for the day:

Protein: 137g
Fat: 63g
Carbs: 247g
Cals: 2124

Slightly over on fat and protein for today but you can't get it perfect every single day right?

I'll be back tomorrow with a training update - bring on legs day :-)


  1. I'm really interested in weightlifting to lose weight... Is this what you did or cardio first?

  2. I've always done some form of strength training when losing weight. It's never too early to start, lifting weights will preserve your muscle tissue which is often lost when dieting, leaving you smaller but with little shape or tone.
