Monday 23 May 2016

Happy Monday

Daily Weight: 162.2lb

As I was away at my mum's house for the weekend, I wasn't able to weigh in for two days. Today's weight is as expected as I had my refeed day yesterday, which included an amazing Sunday roast from my wonderful mum and this bowl of deliciousness when I arrived home last night...

Oats, cooked in milk with a scoop of chocolate protein, strawberries & nutella <3 

My mum is just back from a trip to see my sister in Australia and it was so lovely to see her and hear all about her trip down under. We had a lovely relaxing weekend drinking coffee, doing some shopping and playing cards with not so mini JAG.

I also made time to go and visit my dad...

I miss him so much :'(

I had no problem sticking to my diet whilst I was away and it once again made me feel glad that I plan my refeed for a Sunday as my mum's Sunday roast is too good to miss!

Before we left to travel to the Midlands on Friday, we got in our final workout for the week, which happened to be leg day number 2 - ouch!  I had bags of energy and I increased the weight of my front squats but I fear I may have to take them out for a while as the pressure on my back when I was in the bottom of the squat was pretty painful.

Front Squat
Bar x8
Bar x8
Bar x8
30kg x5
45kg x5
45kg x5
45kg x5

Lying Leg Curl
38.75kg x12
38.75kg x12
38.75kg x9

Plyometric Lunges
BW x20
BW x16

Superset with BB RDLs
40kg x10
40kg x10

Leg Press
170kg x10
170kg x8
170kg x8

Barbell Glute Bridge
45kg x12
45kg x12
45kg x12

Banded Clams
Extra strong band x15
Extra strong band x15
Extra strong band x15

Superset with Seated Abductions
Extra strong band x15
Extra strong band x15
Extra strong band x15

I switched out walking lunges this time for plyometric lunges and oh my god, they were so tough! I used to do these for sets of 32 when I used to do Body Attack back in the day but I couldn't even manage more than 20! It's something to build on though :)

My legs and glutes were toast by the time I'd finished but I'm really loving leg day training - gotta improve on that butt to waist ratio...

Today was upper body day and I didn't think I was going to have a very good session as Aunt Flo has arrived, which brings a whole host of problems for me, which I'll be blogging about at some point in the near future!

However, I had a fantastic workout and felt strong throughout.

Bench Press
Bar x8
Bar x8
30kg x5
42.5kg x6
42.5kg x6
42.5kg x6

Chins with a neutral grip
BW x3 - Assisted x3
BW x2 - Assisted x1

Cable Flyes
15kg x10
15kg x10

DB Rows
40lb x10
40lb x10

I got Emz to record my rows as I wanted a form check. I'm glad that I did because, as you will see from the video, I am bringing my elbow too high which is causing my torso to twist at the top of the move. I corrected this after my first set and my reps felt much better!

Lateral Raises
2.5kg x15
2.5kg x15
2.5kg x15

Superset with Bent Over Rear Raises
2.5kg x10
2.5kg x10
2.5kg x10

I was almost crying by the time I'd finished up with delts - I honestly don't think I've ever had such a pump before!

Food from today:

Tea, black coffee and water until 2pm

Meal One
400g mashed potato with piri piri chicken,
150g full fat Greek yoghurt
150g strawberries
1 sugar free jelly
Can Pepsi Max

Meal Two
2 gluten free wraps with salad cream, salsa, mixed salad & smoky chicken breast
2 cheese sticks
200g fat free Greek yoghurt with 20g whey protein

Carbs: 150g
Fat: 53g
Protein: 143g
Total Cals: 1684

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