Monday 16 May 2016

Leg Day Domination

Daily Weight: 163.1lb

I'm happy with only 0.2lb increase on the scale the morning after my refeed! I woke feeling a little more trim and tighter and I felt the extra carbs definitely helped fuel an epic leg day.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I had one of the most amazing legs & glutes sessions I've ever had. I had tons of energy, every muscle felt like it was engaging and working as it should and my glutes circuit at the end caused me to shed a tear or two just from sheer effort. My glutes were on fire by the end and my entire lower half felt like it had given every last ounce of energy.

I'm absolutely loving the extra volume - I've found from experience that my legs seem to respond much better to a lot of volume rather than very heavy weights for fewer reps. And as blasphemous as it may sound, I'm actually not missing training for powerlifting. At all.

I start every session of with a variety of mobility exercises and dynamic stretches. Legs/glutes day warm up includes forward and sideways leg swings, hip circles, fire hydrants, hip flexor stretches, third world squats, some glute rolling and stretching and lots of body weight squats.

The rest of today's session is as follows...

Bar x8
Bar x8
Bar x8
30kg x5
40kg x5
40kg x5
40kg x5

38.75kg x12
38.75kg x12
38.25kg x11

WALKING LUNGES superset with DB RDLs
10lb x24
10lb x20

35lb x12
35lb x12

170kg x10
170kg x10
170kg x10


Glute Bridge - 25kg 3x15
Banded Clams (Extra strong band) 3 x 15
Seated Abductions (Extra strong band) 3 x 15

I performed each glute exercise with no rest in between, with a 30 second rest before starting the next circuit. On my final set of clams, a few tears sprung out just from the burning sensation and the exhaustion I was starting to feel. Who said you need heavy weights to get a good workout huh?

I had a wonderful post workout glutes pump too!

Food & macros for today:

Coffee, tea and water til 1pm

Meal One
Hickory smoked chicken with root vegetable mash
1 Skyr sour cherry yoghurt
150g strawberries
1 sugar free jelly
1 can Pepsi Max

PWO Snack
150g full fat Greek yoghurt, 175g fat free Greek yoghurt & 20g whey protein mixed in

Meal Two
1 chicken breast grilled with smoky barbecue sauce
Mixed salad
Rosemary & garlic roast potatoes

Protein: 141g
Fat: 31g
Carbs: 157g
Total Cals: 1533

As you can see I'm over on carbs (should be 140g) but I'm under on fats (should be 50g). If I hit my protein goal and stick within calories I try not to stress too much about carbs/fats. Sometimes carbs will be lower as I'll be over on fats and vice versa. You can sweat the small stuff a bit too much so I try and take a laid back approach to nutrition. I find if I get too anal, old habits start to creep back in and having been binge free for 5 years, it's not a place I want to re-visit.

Tomorrow is rest day but will include 30-60 minutes of walking (especially if the weather stays as nice as it has been) and training will continue on Wednesday with upper body and chins, bench, lat pulldowns, some delt work and of course, more glutes training.

Adios and thanks for reading!

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