Thursday 9 June 2016


Daily weight: 159.8lb

Hello to my lovely blog friends, it's been a while since I updated!  Diet and training have been going really well and I've finally dropped back under 160lb and I'm 2lb away from my leanest last summer.

Today, before work, I went to see my friend Becky who runs BodyWorks Soft Tissue Therapy in Swansea to see if she could fix my back niggle.

After doing lots of reading online, I managed to rule out sciatica or any disc problems and managed to pinpoint it to the SI joint. It's the exact spot where I feel the pain with additional pain in the left glute.

When I saw Becky this morning, she took some notes from me, asked about my symptoms and when and how the pain started and on listening to me, agreed that it sounded like an issue with the SI joint. When she had me stand in front of her and perform certain movements, she confirmed that yes, it's definitely the SI joint and said it's no wonder I've been in pain.

The SI joint on the left (painful) side was moved out of place and stiff and unable to move as it should. This has caused the piriformis, located deep within the glute, to go into spasm, which was adding to the pain.

She did a lot of mobilisation, massage, dry needling and stretching and managed to get the SI joint moving again as it should. She also released  a lot of the tension from the left piriformis but has advised me to continue massaging and stretching it over the next few days as it's been in spasm for so long. I've also been given some exercises to do to prevent this from happening again.

The relief I feel is amazing and I can actually bend and move pain free! However, my left glute was pummelled and is extremely sore. Thankfully I am still able to train legs tomorrow - hooray!

I've been absolutely loving the warm weather we've been having here in Swansea. On non-gym evenings and at the weekend we've been out for long walks along the beach

But training in my gym in this heat is punishing - no air conditioning really zaps your strength when lifting!

I'm taking official progress pictures this weekend for my coach, but I'm so happy with the progress I've made in the last year :-) My shape has completely changed and I'm REALLY pleased that I'm finally starting to look athletic.

I'm not going to list all of my food and training for all the days I've not blogged but here is a little sample of some of the delicious things I've been eating <3


Holy yum!

Back in the gym tomorrow for my second leg day of the week. Not sure if I will leave squats out again just as a precaution after being poked and prodded today - I'll see how I'm feeling on the day I think.

I'll leave you with a couple of glute training videos from the last week or two :)


If you're not already following me on snapchat, add me for random selfies, gym videos/photos and follow my daily life - @ Justagirl_78

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